According to the 2011 census, 610 000 children in South Africa, aged 5-14, are living with the daily challenge of disability – many of these are confined to wheelchairs. These kids often feel relegated to an alternate universe - one in which they don’t get the chance to play a superhero. How often, during your day-to-day routines, do you notice, interact or engage with a child with a disability? If you are a parent, do your children have any contact with peers dependent on manual or electric wheelchairs? Are healthy and respectful awareness conversations taking place around your dinner table about children with disabilities? These questions are not designed to leave you feeling guilty or embarrassed, but to open your eyes to the reality of a world where children who are confined to wheelchairs are living with the isolation and vulnerability of social stigmatization and stereotyping. The slogan, ‘No child...
Essentials Supplies
Oct 01, 2019